Murphy announces end of 10pm curfew, will raise the indoor dining limit to 35%. Why 35%? Don’t expect an answer.

By Matt Rooney

Governor Phil Murphy will announce an end to the arbitrary 10 p.m. restaurant curfew AND 25% indoor dining limit on Wedesday, Save Jerseyans, according to a report. The changes will reprotedly go into effect this Friday evening.

It’s a token gesture ahead of Super Bowl Sunday intended to project the illusion of progress. Most restaurants have said 50% is their magic number to survive the current winter after one-third of New Jersey small businesses failed last year.

Why 35%?

Don’t expect an answer from the Murphy Administration.

Time after time since this ordeal began in earnest last March, Phil Murphy and his underlings have refused to ‘show their math’ to explain any of their completely arbitrary restrictions. The closest we’ve ever come to an “answer” was back in August when Murphy cited a discredited Chinese study to back up his lockdown on indoor dining. Problems with that study included the fact that Chinese HVAC is lightyears behind what we have here in the U.S. Murphy didn’t notice or care; he picks what fits his desired outcome and works backwards.

Today’s announcement will be no different, and most members of the New Jersey Media will report the 10% capacity bump as a tangible sign of progress undeserving of scrutiny.

Meanwhile, more local eateries and watering holes will close for good this month in your town. They at least deserve a real answer, don’t you think? From the man who thinks “science” supports wearing a mask while shoveling snow?

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.