Assemblyman calls on Murphy to probe National Guard “rancid” food controversy

MIDDLETOWN, N.J. – Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger (R-13) wants Phil Murphy to investigate reports of “tainted” or rancid food served to members of the New Jersey National Guard during their ongoing deployment in the nation’s capital.

“With continued reports of National Guard troops in Washington, D.C. being served spoiled meat coming on the heels of their assigned placement in a garage to sleep overnight in January, it is imperative that governor Murphy step-up to ask what is going on down there as is his right to demand better treatment for the Guard during their deployment,” said Scharfenberger on Thursday. “These men and women deserve infinitely better conditions while serving to preserve order at the behest of the federal government.”

“It’s completely troubling and outright disturbing that we keep seeing these news reports, especially since troops have been down there for months and are not operating across the seas, but here at home,” Scharfenberger added. “I hope that my colleagues in the Legislature and the Governor will join me in getting answers. Our Guard deserves that, at the very least, and so do their families at home here in New Jersey.”

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