If Murphy is reelected? The legalization of all drugs in New Jersey might follow.

New Jersey voters made history in November by legalizing recreational marijuana but, not to be outdone, our friends over in the Left Coast state of Oregon voted to legalize ALL illegal drugs including cocaine, heroin, and yes, even meth!

Think it can’t happen here? Think again.

Oregon legalized marijuana in 2014. While reasonable people may disagree as to whether pot is a “gateway drug,” legalization of weed certainly proved to be a gateway to 2020’s blanket legalization of hard drugs.

New Jersey won’t wait six years.

Murphy said on Monday that he’s open to the idea.

“Am I open-minded to further decriminalization? I suppose so. But I think we’ve taken the biggest step, and that is marijuana,” he said. “I’m open-minded to hear their arguments. But I think we’ve taken a big step and I want to get that step embedded — that’s my personal opinion — and get this right before we consider taking further steps.”

Today, Dustin Racioppi reported that rumblings for full legalization are growing, and one of the supporters leads the state’s most influential far-Left think tank (New Jersey Policy Perspective).

Democrat leaders aren’t offering a hard “no” for now. That’s significant. Racioppi described “tepid responses from leadership.”

The writing is on the wall. If Phil Murphy is reelected in November, Save Jerseyans, you can count on a ramped-up push for legal hard drugs. What’s to stop them? The base is moving in that direction. The Dem leadership is clearly “open” to it.  With Democrats running Washington until at least January 2023 and Democrat legislative majorities secure at least through January 2024 in New Jersey, there isn’t an authority capable of checking the Murphy Administration if it goes down this road.

What would it mean for minors? There aren’t any penalties right now for minors drinking or pot smoking in New Jersey. Parents can’t even be told about a first offense! Would the radicals running things extend this regime to cocaine? Meth? You may say that’s “ridiculous,” but then again, I’m sure many Oregon voters felt the same way in 2014 when their state moved forward with legal pot. 

You heard it hear first.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.