VIDEO: Murphy short-circuits when a reporter questions how N.J. reports “new” covid cases

Some of us have been questioning how New Jersey counts “new” coronavirus cases for a year, Save Jerseyans. Our friend the Woke Zombie has been leading the charge on Twitter.

On Monday, an enterprising reporter FINALLY asked the Governor about it at Murphy’s daily Covid-19 presser/campaign commercial. Why, the reporter wondered, does New Jersey not separate actual new coronavirus cases from old cases which are being reported as “new” despite having originated weeks or even months ago

For example, on Sunday, the state reported 540 “new” cases from February or earlier. 279 were from 2020.

How did Phil respond?

He completely short-circuited!


“If the Governor is not aware of what makes up the daily case report…” wondered Kurt Siegelin of News12, one of the only other media types who’s been on this angle since early on. “I mean, the implications of that are stunning. Perhaps he misunderstood the question. I can’t comprehend that he understood the question and yet is/has been in the dark about old cases being reported as new.”

“The implications of that are stunning,” Save Jerseyans, because New Jersey (unlike other states, all of which have lower mortality rates) are not using raw positive PCR tests as a driver to decide what stays open and what stays closed.

Is Murphy making those decisions based upon “new” numbers which he doesn’t even understand are actually NOT new in many cases?

The mind reels…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.