This latest cancel culture story may even piss off some South Jersey liberals, Save Jerseyans. Maybe.
On Wednesday, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream took a shot at the legendary South Jersey-based company Mister Softee.
The company was founded in Philadelphia in 1956 and, since 1959, its headquarters has been located in Runnemede, New Jersey. You can’t grow up in the Philadelphia suburbs without hearing the iconic Mr. Softee ice cream truck jingle and instinctively start looking for some spare change in your pockets.
Last week, the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police reportedly parked a Mr. Softee ice cream truck outside of Philly District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office and gave out free ice cream. The political message: Krasner (who is notoriously anti-cop and turning Philly into a crime-ridden hellscape) is “soft on crime.”
Cohen – who also hates cops, and is therefore a Krasner supporter – released a statement trashing the FOP and accusing Mr. Softee of serving up fake ice cream:
.@YoBenCohen of @benandjerrys with a frosty comeback for @FOPLodge5's hit on @DA_LarryKrasner: "To be clear, Mr. Softee isn’t even ice cream. It is pumped up with a lot of hot air which is somehow frozen in a limp sort of way." https://t.co/iydFxBzXds pic.twitter.com/bNFH6Vu9wp
— Chris Brennan (@ByChrisBrennan) May 5, 2021
“To be clear, Mr. Softee isn’t even ice cream,” said Cohen. “It is pumped up with a lot of hot air which is somehow frozen in a limp sort of way.”
Two things, folks:
(1) It is real ice cream. I hope Mr. Softee sues his ass.
(2) Mr. Softee works with 350+ franchisees. These are small businesses, folks. Is anyone truly surprised to hear a hardcore Leftist like Ben Cohen attack small businesses? The Left’s pro-big business orientation continues to solidify. It’s also perfectly consistent with his apparent love of the Marxist BLM movement that burned and looted American businesses throughout the summer of 2020.
Order an extra ice cream sandwich the next time you hear the jingle, folks.
It’s better than Ben’s over-produced, over-priced crap. And you can help a local small business man or woman in the process!