Ciattarelli slams Murphy’s “out of touch” N.J. late term abortion bill

Former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli (R-16) slammed the so-called “Reproductive Freedom Act” on Tuesday and castigated Governor Phil Murphy as “an extremist.”

“Senate President Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Coughlin are refusing to move the so-called ‘Reproductive Freedom Act’ (S-3030) for the same reason that I would strongly oppose it and refuse to sign it as Governor,” said Ciattarelli. “Phil Murphy’s eagerness to sign legislation that would permit abortions up to the time of birth shows how extreme and out of touch he is with the values of the vast majority of New Jerseyans in both parties.”

The debate over S-3030 heated up this week after the U.S. Supreme Court announced it would hear a case that could put the decades-old Roe v. Wade decision in jeopardy. Murphy headlined a Facebook Live last week with Loretta Weinberg (a sponsor) and Planned Parenthood to push the stalled proposal. 

Among other provisions, the bill states that “a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus shall not have independent rights under the laws of this state“; supporters and critics have reasonably interpreted the language as permitting abortions up until the moment of birth. There are other changes, too, including a rule change permitting non-doctors to perform abortions.

“The debate over Roe v. Wade is one that evokes passion on both sides whereby reasonable people can disagree, but a law that would allow the abortion of full-term babies, outlaw parental notification for minors, and authorize non-licensed physicians to perform abortions is radical by any measure,” added Ciattarelli.

Murphy’s latest budget includes tens of millions of taxpayer dollars for reproductive-related items including abortion.

Ciattarelli, this cycle’s GOP gubernatorial nomination frontrunner, isn’t pro-life. He is previously on record opposing public funding of abortions.

Matt Rooney
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MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.