Murphy is taking scientific advice from a labor union, not the CDC

In his desperation to find a basis to keep the mask mandate in place to appease a Karen-heavy base, Save Jerseyans, Governor Phil Murphy is shunning the CDC (which Leftist dared not question between March 2020 and May 2021) and deciding to take his pandemic advice from… a labor union.

Which union?

On Sunday, the Murphy Administration’s communications director tweeted a supportive press release from the New Jersey Retail Workers Union. The union supports keeping the state’s mask mandate in place despite the CDC, the Biden Administration, and other blue states electing to move away from mandating mask usage:

“While vaccinations are helping us slow the spread of COVID, the pandemic is far from over and we cannot let our guard down,” opined UFCW International President Marc Perrone. “As the union for frontline food and retail workers in New Jersey and across the country, UFCW is calling on governors to follow the lead of states like New Jersey and Hawaii that are doing the right thing by keeping these life-saving mask mandates in place as we work to vaccinate the millions of Americans still at risk as this pandemic continues.”

“The right thing” according to whom, Marc?

The CDC says masks aren’t necessary for vaccinated persons. One-third of the U.S. is vaccinated. 50% of New Jersey falls into that category.

I know it’s not right by the workers UFCW claims to represent or the stores that employ them. The ongoing labor shortage is hurting supermarkets in New Jersey and across the nation, and that means higher prices for groceries. Rich people will pay more at checkout. So will the working poor. I suspect continued fearmongering – and the prospect of working the summer at a Jersey Shore supermarket (which I’ve done as a younger man) in a mask – isn’t exactly enticing!

Remember: this is all POLITICAL science. Not the regular kind. The evidence continues to build on a daily basis.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.