Nurses union endorses Murphy even as N.J. Democrats blame nurses for COVID-19 deaths

The New Jersey Nurses Economic Security Organization (JNESO) District 1 surprised no one this week by announcing its 2021 endorsement of Phil Murphy. JNESO is a far-left organization, Save Jerseyans, one that wouldn’t support Clara Barton or Florence Nightingale if they were running for office as Republicans.

What makes this cycle’s endorement more than just obnoxious? And an outright betrayal of its own members? As we told you earlier this month, N.J. Democrats have passed legislation that is designed to BLAME Garden State nurses for COVID-19 deaths.

The Democrat ticket led by Phil Murphy doesn’t want to head into November accepting blame for 8,000+ nursing home deaths. We have it in writing: a Murphy Administration directive instructing nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients last spring.

They need a scapegoat.

Here’s what Senate President Steve Sweeney had to say on the matter about a week ago:

How could a union endorse a regime when their own members are being slandered by the regime?

Welcome to politics, folks. Jersey-style.

These union insiders – not the members, but the ones in the front offices – care more about their personal power and network connections than serving and protecting the people they’re supposed to represent. We see it all the time with NJEA which, in case you missed it, is working overtime to protect its members from Jack Ciattarelli. Not his policy ideas! From hearing him speak.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.