Here comes New Jersey’s version of a “vaccine passport,” Save Jerseyans. Just don’t called it that, please!
“To be absolutely clear, this is not a ‘passport,’” Phil Murphy insisted at Monday’s daily COVID-19 presser. “’Docket’ is intended solely to give residents easy access to their COVID vaccination record, especially if their vaccination card has been damaged or lost.”
“And while the information available through Docket is currently limited to your COVID vaccination record,” Murphy added, “it will be broadened to provide you with your entire record from the New Jersey immunization information system.”
“If you don’t have your vaccination card with you or you have lost it, you can easily access your record through the app,” Judy Persichilli added. “Providing this COVID-19 record digitally, as is done with other health records, simplifies access to consumers.”
So this ‘Docket’ app is not a medical passport per se which Murphy has expressed interest in adopting before… just a harmless “digital vax tracker” (that’s what some media-types are calling it).
Got it. I feel so much better! Nothing could possibly go wrong with this idea until, undoubtedly, major institutions (like public universities? Airports?) start requiring them on your phones.
The New Jersey GOP pounced following Murphy’s announcement.
“Following President Biden’s remarks about using the federal government to go door-to-door to vaccinate Americans and HHS Secretary Becerra’s insistence that it’s “absolutely” the government’s business to know whether or not you’re vaccinated, Governor Murphy owes us more of an explanation than just a slide at his briefing,” said Alex Wilkes, the NJGOP’s newly-minted communications director.
This idea is already going into effect in other places. Over in France, the government is mandating ‘health passes’ which will be needed to go to the movies or certain other cultural venues.