GOP group launches six-figure ads buys targeting Malinowski, Kim

The American Action Network (AAN) – a conservative organization with ties to House Republicans – dropped new cable ads on Monday targeting eight districts including two occupied by New Jersey’s most vulnerable Democrat incumbents.

AAN spent $320,000 on a cable buy aimed at Tom Malinowski (D, NJ-07) and $205,000 on a second spot targeting Andy Kim (D, NJ-03):

“Nancy Pelosi’s plan doles out trillions in handouts to her liberal cronies, but sticks working Americans with the bill through tax hikes and skyrocketing prices,” said AAN President Dan Conston. “Even liberal Members of Congress now admit their big spending policies are causing the economic pain families are feeling. They should heed their own advice and reverse course.”

The Malinowski ad mocks the two-term incumbent for conducting millions of dollars in unreported stock trades while simultaneously supporting bulking up the IRS’s audit team.

The Kim ad stressed the possibility of job losses in South Jersey if the reconciliation package ever passes.

New Jersey is considered one of the nation’s major 2022 Midterms battlegrounds as Republicans aim to wrest Congress away from the Democrats who presently enjoy tenuous control.

Malinowski was reelected by only about 4,000 votes in 2020; Kim posted a stronger reelection margin of nearly 8-points but his district still leans red and just voted for Jack Ciattarelli over Phil Murphy by a decisive percentage.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.