The word “recount” is on a lot of people’s lips this morning, Save Jerseyans. That’s not surprising given that Phil Murphy is currently ahead by about 7,000 votes as vote-by-mail ballots, provisional ballots, and various Election Day issues are sorted out.
Some states have automatic recounts triggered when a winner’s victory margin is below a certain threshold. In New Jersey, there isn’t a specific vote margin barrier.
Here’s the statute:
19:28-1 Application for recount.
19:28-1. When any candidate at any election shall have reason to believe that an error has been made in counting the votes of that election, the candidate may, within a period of 17 days following such election, apply to a judge of the Superior Court assigned to the county wherein such district or districts are located, for a recount of the votes cast at the election in any district or districts.
When ten voters at any election shall have reason to believe that an error has been so made in counting the votes upon any public question at any election, such voters may, within a period of 17 days following such election, apply to a judge of the Superior Court assigned to the county wherein such district or districts are located, for a recount of the votes cast at the election in any district or districts on such public question.
The requesting party pays for the recount (which can get very expensive) but the money is refunded in the event that the recount either changes the outcome OR the result by 10% or 10 votes (whichever is greater).