N.J. Election 2021 Results (LIVE)

Polls close across the Garden State at 8:00 p.m. EST, Save Jerseyans!

Don’t count on the mainstream guys for HONEST, accurate results and race calls. Bookmark this page for a rolling update blog throughout Election Night 2021 (and possibly into Wednesday morning)…

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1:06AM: Steve Sweeney is TRAILING right now, Save Jerseyans, down in LD3 by around 2,800 votes. Wild? You bet. That could change control of the Senate…

12:35AM: “I wanted to come out here tonight to tell you that we’ve won, but I’m here to tell you tonight that we’re winning.” That’s Jack Ciattarelli a short time ago tonight in Bridgewater. He’s up by about 1-point with 92%+ reporting.

12:10AM: Check out Murphy HQ, folks…

11:54PM: Jack is currently up 1.3-points with about 86% of precincts reports statewide. Some blue spots are out, but so is Salem, Sussex, and some red parts of Burlington County.

11:21PM: Jack Ciattarelli’s  73k+ lead in Ocean County is actually stronger than Chris Christie’s 2009 margin from the populous (and deep red) Jersey Shore county. Murphy’s efforts to divert some of the Lakewood vote to his camp clearly came up short.

11:09pM: Things are looking promising for Team Ciattarelli (he’s up by 3-points with about 2/3 of precincts reporting), and the Bridgewater hotel where he’s taking in results is starting to look like a real party…

10:33PM: A huge legislative win for the Republicans… Vince Polistina and his Assembly slate have slept LD2!

9:51PM: Jack Ciattarelli leads by 8-points in Gloucester, twice Chris Christie’s 2009 margin. Murphy carried it by 12 in 2017…

9:32PM: This is a MASSIVE turnout even for Ocean, folks…

11/2/21 (9:12PM): The GOP is looking to have a decent night locally in North Jersey, too. Jamie Barberio will retur as mayor of Parsippany, defeating Democrat incumbent Michael Soriano. The GOP also took 5-0 control of council.

Also, Republicans have won control of Paramus Township Council up in Bergen County.

11/2/21 (9:10PM): Republicans appear to be doing well locally in Atlantic County, flipping two seats in Northfield and appearing to reelect its Absecon council member by a record margin…

11/2/21 (8:59PM): With about 15% reporting…

Philip Murphy 

58.38% | 246164 votes

Jack Ciattarelli 

40.79%172015 votes

11/2/21 (8:32PM): The polls are closed and the process of counting has begun, but keep in mind that there are still some folks in line in some precincts….

11/2/21 (7:45PM): A Superior Court judge has rejected an ACLU suit to extend voting hours…

11/2/21 (6:13PM): According to David Wildstein, the ACLU and the League of Women Voters have filed an anticipated suit seeking to keep polls open to 9:30 p.m. citing technological issues.

If you needed proof that Democrats and their allies were a little spooked this evening? This is it.

11/2/21 (6:10PM): So I haven’t heard any “bad” news for the GOP today. Tons of anecdotal stories of Republican-friendly precincts hitting better-than-2017 (or even 2013-ish) levels today while Democrat precincts seems generally a bit quieter. The issue, of course, is that the GOP tickets needs to overcome whatever the pre-Election Day VBM edge looks like.

One interesting note: with a few hours left to go, Essex County numbers looked to be significantly off of their 2017 pace by about 30,000 votes. Typically, Democrats rely on a monster Essex margin to neuter the Republican numbers coming out of Ocean-Monmouth. We’ll see if things pick up for them during rush hour.

11/2/21 (4:28PM): We won’t know much until polls close, folks, but I can give you some ancedotal information with a few hours left to go for anyone chomping at the bit for news. There is one definitely significant nugget at the end…

  • Turnout appears to be trending above what we saw in 2017 when Murphy crushed Kim Guadagno by 14 points.
  • Republican areas appear to be seeing relatively robust turnout; a couple of precincts at the Jersey Shore, for example, already hit 100% turnout earlier this afternoon.
  • There have been stories of lighter turnout in some urban centers like Jersey City, but again, there’s still time to vote and for these machines to crank out voters (assuming that’s what they want to do).
  • Tech problems were systemic today thanks to the wi-fi tablet system utilized in many placed and, as a result, the ACLU is reportedly weighing a court motion to extend voting hours…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8760 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.