HERE WE GO AGAIN: Murphy raises the specter of new capacity limits

Here we go again, Save Jerseyans.

On Friday, Phil Murphy was at the Port of Newark for unrelated reasons but set small business owners on edge by raising the specter of new capacity limits (which ended back in June).

“My fear is we’re going to be getting back to capacity limits at some point,” Murphy said, adding his opinion that “[covid] is still with us and sadly, the numbers are still going up.”

I’ll respond by saying what I’ve said for almost two years… who gives a shit if cases are going up?

Capacity restrictions – of dubious value on their face – wouldn’t even be on the table if “flattening the curve” was still the goal as opposed to “zero covid.”

Here’s the latest hospital data according to Murphy’s own health department:

We’re nowhere near peak, Save Jerseyans, and even then the system never buckled in spring 2020. There’s an argument to be made that forcing people indoors with one another made the situation worse.

What did happen? New Jersey lost almost 1/3 of its small businesses throughout the course of 2020 due to arbitrary capacity limits that ravaged small businesses and restaurants in particular. Now, after spending the last year threatening people to get vaxxed, the vaccines aren’t slowing the spread and statist governors are dusting off their 2020 playbook.

Elections have consequences, folks! And as I warned you BEFORE November 2nd, new COVID-19 restrictions were probably inevitable following Murphy’s victory. The Garden State may pay the price again for a failed public health strategy that’s actually dumber and less logical today than it was 22 months ago.

By the way: we know Murphy is currently negotiating with the legislature to extend his emergency powers.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.