Re-education camp? A new N.J. gun control bill embraces the concept.

It’s not exactly a trip to North Korea, Save Jerseyans, but the operating principle is the same.

The New Jersey Assembly Judiciary and Appropriations committees advanced a number of lame duck session gun control bills on Monday including A5647, legislation that would inaugurate gun storage requirements. There’s also a nifty little provision for violators of the new regulatory regime including… a trip to a re-education camp? Yes! Sort of.

Check this out:

First offenders would “be sentenced to a period of community service of not less than 10 hours nor more than 40 hours with an entity with knowledge and experience in the prevention of gun violence approved by the Attorney General in accordance with subsection f. of this section.”

Proper gun storage is important. 10-40 hours of “community service” may not even be completely unreasonable given the circumstances (e.g. you leave a gun on a kitchen table and your 8-year-old shoots someone with it). It’s that “entity with knowledge and experience in the prevention of gun violence” part which should have tripped your statist defense radar. The bill employs the word “violence” instead of safety and it’s likely deliberate. Which organizations will the AG designate on his “approved” list?

Something tells me that the NRA – which offers actual safety training – won’t make the cut.

Don’t be surprised if far-Left groups unqualified to teach gun safety make the cut instead. One example: Moms Demand Action which, according to its website, “volunteers partner with the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund to provide education and awareness about child gun deaths and responsible gun storage through the Be SMART program.”

Can you imagine being condemned to spend 40 hours tabling for Mons Demand Action? 

Safety isn’t the real goal here, folks. It’s court-ordered re-education conducted by anti-Second Amendment groups. Call it whatever you want. As written? This bill is dangerous. 

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.