‘SEGREGATION’ IN SOUTH JERSEY? Gloucester Dems kick newly-elected black GOP sheriff out of county building

The woke New Jersey Democrats continue to prove that their concern for black Americans only extends as far as their political goals, Save Jerseyans.

Among the South Jersey GOP’s major November gains was electing Gloucester County’s first-ever black sheriff, Jonathan Sammons (R-Mullica Hill). He defeated incumbent Democrat Sheriff Carmel Morina by 1,565 votes.

The Dems were obviously pissed; losing a five-term incumbent is jarring enough, but they simply can’t deal with the fact that the county’s new top law enforcement official is a black Republican. It’s fatal to their narrative! So retaliation was inevitable. This week, word broke that the Democrat-controlled commissioner board was removing the sheriff from the county administrative office on South Broad Street in Woodbury to the long-closed former county jail building on Hunter Street. 

It’s segregation by any other name, folks: black Republicans are apparently not welcome over in the county building.

Sheriff-elect Sammons’s incoming Republican colleagues expressed their outrage and didn’t hold back.

“Last month we were proud to have elected Jonathan Sammons as Gloucester County’s first Black sheriff. Now the Democrats who control county government are moving the sheriff’s office away from most of the staff he will supervise and the rest of the County’s leadership,” said Republican Commissioner-elect Chris Konawel. “Last week we had to call out the County Chamber of Commerce on its support of Chamber Executive Committee member Lisa Carney who made racist comments about our party and Commissioner-Elect. Now we have the County itself playing race politics by excluding Sheriff-Elect Sammons from the County offices.” 

“It’s obvious the Democrats who control county government, by separating Sheriff-elect Sammons from most of the staff he is responsible to supervise, are attempting to set him up for failure,” Konawel continued. “We aren’t going to stand for it and Nick DeSilvio and I will move to correct it at our first meeting.”

“Maybe it’s just bad optics and county Democrats aren’t being racist and they are just petty,” GOP Commissioner-elect Nick DeSilvio added. “It wouldn’t be the first time they were petty. Back in 2001 then Freeholder-Director Steve Sweeney moved Ray Zane II’s office in the middle of the night. It doesn’t matter, racist or petty, the Sheriff’s office and all staff need to stay where they are and we’re going to fight to make sure they do.

Racist attacks directed at courageous black Republicans is sadly nothing new. Colin Powell, Thomas Sowell, Condi Rice, Virginia LG-elect Winsome Sears and U.S. Senator Tim Scott have all weathered ugly “Uncle Tom” attacks from the Left.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.