Murphy finally admits “zero covid” is a fantasy on ‘Meet the Press’

Now he tells us, Save Jerseyans!

After two years of draconian lockdowns, arbitrary restrictions, scientifically-flimsy edicts and outright threats, Governor Phil Murphy appeared on ‘Meet the Press’ this Sunday and FINALLY admitted that “zero covid” is a fantasy that’s not going to happen.

“We’re not going to manage this to zero,” said Murphy who only a few weeks ago declared a new “public health emergency” to circumvent the legislature and keep his K-12 mask mandates in place. “We have to learn how to live with this.”

You’re not alone if “you’ve got to be kidding me” escaped your lips upon reading/hearing that.

Sane and honest people have known for a long time that Covid-19 wasn’t going to disappear. All of the masking, vaxxing, distancing and virtue-signaling in the world wouldn’t matter. Yes, flattening the curve to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed was a logical goal in spring 2020 (even if the chosen means of accomplishing it were stupid and silly and, in some cases, nakedly unconstitutional and counter-productive). Eliminating the virus from the face of the planet was NEVER a reasonable public policy aim.

King Phil is simply admitting on national television what we all knew. Unfortunately, we can’t now bring back the thousands of destroyed businesses (and childhoods) which were direct victims of Murphy’s zero covid push because the governor is done denying reality; that zero covid ideology was the Murphy Administration’s explicit goal underpinning everything from remote learning to restaurant capacity limits until as recently as… this Sunday morning.

I guess having reelection safely behind him made the difference, but don’t expect a single Murphy executive order to be repealed come Monday morning.

If you’re not pissed off? Check your pulse.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.