Sherrill, Democrats point the finger at Trump as Putin readies possible invasion

Get ready for it, Save Jerseyans.

Putin is likely to do something in Ukraine over the next month. Invasion, a “small incursion” or whatever. It’s coming, because unless the West promises to stop NATO’s eastward expansion, it’s awfully hard to see how the Russian president does nothing without losing face.

The Left unsuccessfully tried to shift the blame for the Afghanistan debacle to Donald Trump. Their failure to deflect last time won’t stop them from trying again with Ukraine this time around.

One of the country’s vulnerable Democrat congressmen (the list is growing daily) is adding her voice to the effort.

“Let’s hope the idea is to get attention and now he can back down having felt that he has been heard, because i will tell you that I think he is underestimating the will of the Ukrainian people to fight any Russian incursion,” Rep. Mike Sherrill (D, NJ-11) who just returned from a Ukraine photo op told MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle on Monday morning. “I think he’s underestimating the unity of the democratic communities, and I think this aggression has really reignited the transatlantic relationship which was a bit frayed under the previous administration.”

Let’s discuss how ridiculous that last part is for a minute…

Did Putin take Crimea under Donald Trump? No; that was during the Obama Administration after the Democrat president’s “RESET” ended in abject failure.

Did Putin try to take the Ukraine under Trump? No. Because the Donald is tough and a bit crazy, and that unpredictability made hostile regimes more cautious.

Did Trump declare war on American energy independence? Veto sanctions on the Russian Nordsteam 2 pipeline? And in so doing hand Putin’s regime an upper hand in the international energy wars? Nope. That was Joe Biden.

Did Trump get NATO nations to contribute MORE money to the decades-old alliance’s defense needs? Yes, he did.

The notion that any of this is Donald Trump’s fault is funny. Not “Hunter Biden’s art” funny; I’m talking baby panda sneezing on YouTube funny.

But desperation is the ultimate motivator, Save Jerseyans, and even a bluer district (thanks to a gerrymandered map) isn’t enough to make Mikie Sherrill comfortable or honest staring down a potential red wave.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.