Whoopi’s Holocaust crack-up illustrates the absurdity of the Left’s racial politics

Whoopi Goldberg is suspended for two weeks from The View for expressing a decidedly bizarre viewpoint, Save Jerseyans: that the Holocaust wasn’t really a racial thing. You or I would be fired, sure, but that’s a discussion for a different post.

During the episode in question, the Ghost and Sister Act actress asserted that the Nazi’s attempt to exterminate the Jewish people was motivated by “man’s inhumanity to man” but “not about race,” arguing later in the discussion that “these are two white groups of people.”

“This is white people doing it to white people, so y’all going to fight amongst yourselves,” she added. Golberg “apologized” but didn’t realize change her argument during a subsequent appearance on Stephen Colbert’s boorish program:

Whoopi’s excuse: to her, race is skin color.

“I get it. Folks are angry,” she said. “I accept that, and I did it to myself.”

Do you see the irony yet, folks? You should. I’m slightly disappointed if you don’t!

There is no Jewish race; Judaism is a religion with a rich, ancient tradition, and its adherents – many of whom share an ethnic and cultural lineage – vary greatly by almost every measure. The Nazi eugenicists and their followers believed in a Jewish “race” and a “master race” because they were nuts, sure, but also because the evil men at the helm of the national socialist movement needed ways to justify their political goals.

In a very real and frightening way, Whoopi’s conception of race is no less backward. Skin tone is a biological trait; race is a human social construct. There’s no biological definition for it.

“And that’s what I hear at every undergraduate course I’ve lectured in: Whenever we talk about this, first thing that people say is skin color,” UPenn Genetics and Biology Professor Sarah Tishkoff opined during a guest lecture in Lawrence Township, New Jersey. “And we’re able to show that that’s just a terrible classifier of race because skin color is an adaptive trait.”

You’ve heard enough from Whoopi to know that she’s too ignorant and entitled to understand all of the above proving, once again, that money can’t buy smarts or class.

What matters for our purposes: the modern Democrat Party’s obsession with race may not be as sinister as that horrible ideology that terrorized Europe last century, but it’s based on a similarly idiotic, primative, divisive, and here’s the key part… BAD FAITH idea about mankind, specifically that we’re permanently divided into racial groups. Instead of seeing people as people, the Left habitually tries to put them into boxes in order to win elections.

The good news? People are waking up and starting to reject Wokeism as evidenced by Virginia’s Election 2021 results and school board revolts across the nation. Just 3% of Hispanics use the made-up term “Latinx” and 3-in-4 Americans don’t approve of Joe Biden’s decision to make race and gender the litmus test for Justice Breyer’s replacement on the U.S. Supreme Court. That’s all progress towards MLK’s vision of a people who judge each other by character, NOT skin tone. The American Experiment has always been about abandoning the Old World’s obsessions with “race,” blood, who your parents were or what particular patch of land you were born on. Over many years, we’ve moved closer to building the sort of society where that stuff doesn’t matter very much at all.

What will it take to wake up Whoopi? She’s probably a lost cause, and I doubt a millionaire taking two weeks off from work to do whatever rich people do will result in measurable personal growth.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.