Why did a terror financier believe Malinowski was a good investment?

Tom Malinowski pocketed over $2,000 going back to 2018 from convicted terrorism financier Emadeddin Muntasser, Save Jerseyans. The embattled Democrat incumbent (already facing a major ethics scandal) pledged over the weekend to donate the cash, but the damage was already done. How could an ex-State Department official make such an egregious mistake? More than once? 

So yes, people are rightly questioning Tom Malinowski’s judgment. Here’s the next admittedly disturbing question which we need to explore:

The donor’s judgment.

Specifically, why did a terror financier believe Malinowski was a good investment?

One possibility is Tom Malinowski’s history of taking less-than-tough positions concerning jihadists. For example, back in 2009 long before he ran for Congress, Malinowski openly complained that many Gitmo detainees were simply in the “wrong place [at] the wrong time.” We know that some Gitmo detainees released into the wild later resurfaced on foreign battlefields including during the Taliban’s reconquest of Afghanistan in 2021. Maybe Muntasser simply believed Malinowski could be counted to advocate for his jihadist allies?

I think there’s another related possibility: Malinowski represents a Democrat Party that’s actively weakening the United States in every respect. Muntasser donated to Biden, too, which probably tells us all we need to know in this regard. A guy who wants the enemies of America to succeed would naturally want to see men in office who make America as vulnerable as possible to its enemies.

Whatever the reason for Muntasser’s support for Malinowski, folks, it sure isn’t flattering. I’d argue it’s disqualifying on its face. Anyone who terror financiers want in high office is NOT someone the people of New Jersey should trust in Congress.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.