Andy Kim’s Covid Theater is a Step Behind the Times

America is over Covid-19, Save Jerseyans. Only the most diehard Faucists are still power-walking in the park wearing smug expressions under their KN95s.

For 2022 Democrats up-and-down the the ballot watching Joe Biden fail spectacularly at home and abroad? And his job approval rating correspondingly circling the toilet bowl of history? As Kamala Harris bumbles her way across Eastern Europe? A very difficult choice presents itself: run away from Faucism or double-down on it and hope your base can somehow, some way carry you home.

Andy Kim (D, NJ-03) is doubling-down hard AF.

He apparently tested positive for Covid earlier this week, and he couldn’t wait to tell supporters in a long tweet thread (and multi-paragraph email blast).

“I caught COVID on the second anniversary of the pandemic,” Kim announced with the somber tone of someone announcing an ALS diagnosis. “Yes, I feel miserable. I woke up in the middle of the night with a fever, but I’m not scared like I would have been a year or two ago.”

Miserable indeed.

There’s no word yet as to whether Kim will donate his positive test to the Smithsonian.

Kim’s proclamation concerning a virus that’s a mild cold (at most) for the vast majority of Americans did earn him a media hit or two. We also learned this week that Barack Obama has it, too, and the national media eagerly reported on his “scratchy throat.” No one cares at this point in the game, but it’s still being reported as if we do.

Do you still care? No.

Should we still care? Also no.

Covid theater remains good for clicks, so the Media is having a hard time giving up on reporting A and B list celebrity covid diagnoses as if they’re news. That doesn’t make them real news, folks. It hasn’t been news for over a year (at least) and the pace of world events continues to push past one of the sorriest periods in U.S. history. The virtue-signaling on masks, vaccines, staying home to avoid killing grandma and all of the other pseudo-science America swallowed unquestioningly for two years represent the last vestige of a spell that’s broken.

Come November, I think politicians like Kim and their allies in the media/entertainment establishment are going to realize their performances were wasted on a public that’s thoroughly sick and tired of Covid-19 theater.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.