N.J. college to offer $17,700 “happiness” degree

The next time a Leftist calls for student loan forgiveness, Save Jerseyans, you need to keep this glaring example of higher ed absurdity in mind:

Hackettstown, New Jersey-based Centenary University is launching what might be the first-ever “Master of Arts in Happiness Studies” program. I’m sure it is a “first” given the obvious uselessness of such a degree!

You can obtain the 30 credit, all-remote degree beginning this upcoming fall for the low, low cost of $17,700.

“To be sure, we are in trying times—pandemic, depression, war—but these are not unique times,” Centenary President Bruce Murphy explained in an announcement issued by the university. “We have had such challenges throughout history and we have sought to find ways to weather these storms. At Centenary, we sought to develop a curriculum to address this need and we’ve tapped the expertise of our own talented faculty, as well as one of the great minds on the subject of happiness studies.”

What Dr. Murphy won’t tell you?

It’d make more sense to flush your cash down a toilet!

The higher education establishment, populated by academic predators like Elizabeth Warren, are doing just fine without tricking Middle Class families into going deep into debt to obtain ornate pieces of paper with Latin printing. They’re all getting paid, and paid well, despite producing generation after generation of kids who are ill-equipped for the real world.

Many unhappy Americans grappling with inflation and economic dislocation are experiencing difficulty managing student loans associated with unmarketable degrees, many of which are post-graduate degrees like this one. It’s hard to find a job when your major is “women’s studies” or “Eastern music.” Who knew?! So when the feds finally resume collecting on federal loans (long-delayed during the pandemic), the pain will be even more acute than it already is.

The only thing these colleges do well is indoctrinate budding leftists cultivated to believe that billionaires and Republicans are the reason they can’t get ahead. The real reason, of course, is a K-12 education system that prioritizes the wrong subject matter and a higher education system that’s only goal, ironically, is making a buck by pocketing subsidies for bullshit degrees.

The time is coming when parents will hope their kids opt for a HVAC certification over a useless liberal arts degree. That time has already arrived for the wise parents among us.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.