Nervous Democrat education chair begs Murphy to delay deranged sex ed implementation

Vin Gopal and the Easter Bunny photo via @gopalforsenate

They’re nervous, Save Jerseyans, but no one on the Left is more unnerved by the release of extremely sexual materials for young school children than Vin Gopal.

For the benefit of those who don’t follow New Jersey politics closely: State Senator Gopal (D-11) is chairman of the Senate Education Committee. He also narrowly survived a tough reelection contest last November during which he lost both of his Democrat running mates to Republican challengers. Newly-minted Republican Assemblywomen Marilyn Piperno and Kim Eulner ran on parental rights.

Vin – who already had a history of political cowardice when it’s time to make tough decisions – was already on track for another tough reelection cycle next year BEFORE Save Jersey first reported on the Westfield model curriculum materials last week.

Almost a full week later, Vin took to Facebook on Monday to complain about “misinformation” but added that he’s calling on Murphy and the state’s Department of Education “to provide clarity on all of these items and issue it publicly before any further action is taken on implementation.”

So he says it’s misinformation (cute), but he still wants to delay implementation? Why?

My favorite part? The Senator began his tortured social media post by explaining that “[i]n response to multiple articles relating to curriculum education in our schools, I have read through the 66 pages of the Department of Education Guidelines ‘2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards – Comprehensive Health and Physical Education’ as well have spoken in detail with New Jersey Acting Commissioner of Education Angelica Allen-McMillan.” Shouldn’t the education chairman have already read them??? Long before this controversy surfaced?

Get busy, Save Jerseyans. Your kids are counting on you.

Remember what Ronald Reagan said: “When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.”

Call Vin Gopal TODAY at (732) 695-3371 and tell him that this issue is bigger than his own darkening reelection prospects. We want the standards that resulted in these horrific Westfield materials gone… yesterday! And we will hold him and his Democrat colleagues politically accountable at the polls if they fail to act.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.