TEMPORARY VICTORY? Murphy orders review of wacky sex ed curriculum

While echoing dishonest talking points about “misinformation,” Governor Phil Murphy posted a long Twitter thread on Wednesday announcing a review of controversial and highly-sexual curriculum standards for New Jersey’s K-12 children.

The standards are currently set to take effective when the fall 2022 semester begins.

The original story – centering on outrageous model lessons presented by the Westfield school district – was first reported by Save Jersey last Tuesday.

“Any proposed educational content that is not age-appropriate should be immediately revised by local officials. To this end, I have directed @NewJerseyDOE to review the standards and provide further clarification on what age-appropriate guidelines look like for our students.”

It’s unclear, however, when the review will be completed or what precisely Murphy’s announcement means for the fall semester. Today’s announcement does indicate that the administration and its allies were caught flat-footed by Save Jersey‘s report and are now on the defensive…

Murphy’s thread is posted below:


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