The visible scars of the Left’s insanity

Last week Calvin Klein Inc. released an ad featuring a photo of a shirtless, pregnant “trans man” and the first thing I noticed was the long scar under what had once been a woman’s breast. A scar is mark on the body where a wound, burn, or sore had been. In many cases, scars are present to death, serving as reminders of a traumatic and violent incident, for example, a scarred knee from falling off a bicycle as a child, a scarred shoulder from surgical repair of a dislocation, a scarred face from a car accident.

Instead of selling Klein product, the ad served, to me, as a reminder of the absolute violent and painful nature of “transitioning” one’s gender. Today’s youth are taught to just accept that a trans person is simply becoming what they feel they are, but the Klein ad shows reality – a trans person is a person who went through a physical, unnatural and violent process to appear, while fully clothed, to be someone they were not born to be.

When unclothed, however, the scars are plainly visible and the truth is revealed in plain sight – this person has been mutilated.

We’re constantly told that climate change is “settled science,” but really, the only settled science is one’s birth identity. That’s biology. That’s anatomy and physiology. That’s chromosomes and DNA. That’s true settled science. And the violent, unnatural act of simply carving up one’s body to change their physical appearance while the chromosomes and DNA remain does not unsettle science. Further, despite the message of the Klein ad, no, men cannot get pregnant and give birth. Why not? Again, settled science: Men produce sperm and women produce eggs. The sperm fertilizes the egg and the egg attaches itself to the woman’s uterus, growing into a baby and then emerging from the woman’s reproductive organs through childbirth.

It’s biology. It’s anatomy and physiology. It’s, again, settled science.

That doesn’t mean we should not accept trans people as human beings, but it also doesn’t mean that we are supposed to suspend scientific, biological fact and pretend that men can get pregnant and have babies. Sadly, this is what we’ve become as a society, a people who embrace physical and unnatural violent acts done to the human being to suspend science, particularly in New Jersey where our governor and our education system force this into curriculum to normalize it. The same can be said about abortion. Once a woman becomes pregnant, a baby grows inside the woman’s uterus; this is scientific fact. Removing a baby in utero is a true act of violence. It is an invasive and unnatural procedure that interrupts biology.

To see political leaders of our great state speak this past week about a woman’s “right” to submit to such a violent act against science was quite shocking, particularly because their words are based on a lie; the lie being that reversing Roe v. Wade will outlaw abortion. The case that the Supreme Court is presently considering – and they have not issued a ruling at this point – is the case of a Mississippi law banning abortion for non-medical reasons after 15 weeks.

That’s right: if a woman become pregnant she can immediately take the “abortion pill,” mifepristone (Mifeprex) and misoprostol (Cytotec), to prevent pregnancy. If she is indecisive and decides after it is too late to take the pill, she still has 15 weeks – nearly four months – to have an elective abortion. The excuse that 15 weeks is not enough time because a woman may not know she is pregnant is ludicrous because she’d have to miss three menstrual cycles by the time the 15 weeks are up.

Further, the pro-abortion crowd are calling abortion a “basic human right,” but there are only 5 nations besides the United States that allow elective abortion after 20 weeks, and those nations include China and North Korea, nations that are hardly observers of “basic human rights.”

Of course, Phil Murphy, with the nation’s most liberal abortion laws, says he will make New Jersey a sanctuary state for abortion, a destination state. New Jersey is transitioning from the Garden State to the violence state. It’s sad that we’ve become a culture of violence that does not merely defy science but wants us to celebrate that painful, scarring defiance, indeed, in ads and in speeches by Democrat elected officials.