Bergen warns DeCroce comeback would “set the party back”

Following news that ex-Assemblywoman Betty DeCroce (R-26) is working on a possible comeback in 2023, incumbent Assemblyman Brian Bergen tells Save Jersey that DeCroce 2.0 isn’t an option for North Jersey Republicans.

“Too much has changed since Betty Lou lost her seat last year. Republicans are now on the offense and making big moves towards a majority,” Bergen said. “Adding her back into the mix would simply set the party back and that’s a mistake no one wants.”

Internal Morris County politics and a new legislative map have made things interesting.

DeCroce lost a tough renomination battle in spring 2021; her former running mate Jay Webber joined forces with Christian Barranco, an IBEW member. DeCroce had served in the Assembly since 2012 after being selected to replace her late husband Alex DeCroce, the former Assembly GOP minority leader.

2022 redistricting (delayed by the pandemic) ultimately moved Bergen (R-25) in the 26th and the freshman Barranco into Bergen’s LD25. Webber, for his part, has already signaled his intention to run alongside Bergen in next year’s county nominating conventions.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.