Of course Google ignored D-Day

Google’s homepage “doodles” commemorate famous events, historic figures, and almost always reflect the tech giant’s outsized far-Left worldview. For example: instead of honoring the 78th Anniversary of D-Day on Monday, Google’s latest doodle honors Angelo Moriondo, the 19th century Italian who invented the espresso machine.

I love espresso as much as the next guy. That’s hardly the point.

It was hardly an inappropriate choice considering the source.

Today’s yuppies in the avant-garde of our culture – who pass their difficult remote-employment existences aided by steady supply of Netflix binging, anti-anxiety medication and $10 gourmet coffee drinks – truly think they’re saving the world one tweet at a time. In the first full year of World War II? American families grappled with food rationing and were limited to one pound of coffee every five weeks.

After another year of grinding hardship at home and unimaginable sacrifice abroad, the day finally arrived to liberate Europe. I’ll try to explain the gravity of the moment in terms Generation Z can understand: Day was Frodo destroying the ring, Luke blowing up the Death Star, Harry Potter defeating Voldemort and that final scene in ‘Avengers: Endgame’ all rolled into one. Times one million. Squared. Thousands of young kids swam ashore amid a blizzard of wizzing bullets and exploding shells, faced down staggering military odds and ***literally*** saved Western Civilization from forever night.

Had D-Day failed? And Operation Overlord come to grief? You might be reading this post in German, and its author would not be allowed to offer any criticism of the ruling government in Trenton, D.C. (or the imperial capital of New Berlin).

D-Day’s heroes saved Western Civilization.

Why would you expect Big Tech, in league with China and awash with woke wackiness, to honor the day that Western Civilization was rescued from the abyss? They believe Western Civ is the problem.

Western Civ is patriarchy, neoliberalism, industrialization, Christianity, property rights, GUN RIGHTS, and a whole lot of other things that the wise men and women and gender-confused in their silicon towers deem wicked and detestable. The American Left may liberally use the word “Nazi” and “fascist” when engaged in political combat, Save Jerseyans, but honoring the young men who defeated the real Nazi fascists nearly eight decades ago on the beaches of Normandy is apparently a bridge too far.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8730 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.