Legislators advocate bill to finally end N.J. school staff Covid testing rules

The pandemic is over, Save Jerseyans, and New Jersey schools have long since ditched most of their coronavirus regulations (save for a few districts which held on to mask requirements through the end of the prior school year).

We’ve learned a lot. Among those lessons: vaccination does not appear to do much if anything to prevent spread. Yet in the good old Garden State, the framework set up by Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 253 continues to remain, and it requires all public school staff to test weekly if they declined to get vaccinated

Logical? No, not if you follow the science.

Republican Assemblywomen Marilyn Piperno and Kim Eulner of LD11 said this week that they’ll present new legislation designed to ditch those nonsensical rules. They also say it’s a matter of responsible resource allocation.

“Amidst unprecedented mental health ramifications from pandemic lockdowns, countless funding and state aid cuts, and critical staffing shortages across vital industries, now is the time to rescind any mandate that has only intensified these issues,” said Eulner.

“Our underfunded education system can’t afford to lose dedicated and skilled staff that will only stress already overburdened workers or further exacerbate the ongoing mental health crisis in our schools,” added Piperno. “New Jersey needs more educators, mental health professionals, and front-line health care heroes, not more unnecessary executive orders.” 

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8729 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.