Goya CEO cites Left’s “desire to control us” for driving food inflation

New Jersey-based Goya Foods’ CEO Bob Unanue appeared on Tucker Carlson’s program on Thursday night, Save Jerseyans, pushing back against the Left’s Biden-led efforts to blame corporations for historic levels of inflation.

“So you have heard, you run this huge company, and you’ve heard that you’re the reason that food prices are up. Is that true?” Carlson asked Unanue.

“At the core of inflation, and it’s out of control, especially in food, is evil. Our desire to control us. When I was a child, my parents said, never take candy from a stranger,” Unanue responded. “And they’re giving out candy, incentivizing people not to work. They’re taking away our purpose, our spirit, our reason to get up every day. And they’re doing it without their own candy. They’re taking our candy, and using it to incentivize us not to, that’s very inflationary.”

“[W]e were an essential business, Tucker. We never stopped working. But work is essential. It gives us our reason,” continued Unanue. “You know, God — I love this gal [Giorgia] Meloni from Italy, you know she has this fascist speak, God, family, country. You know, you need to have a purpose. She says we all have our genetic code. Each one of us is made in the likeness of God with our own identity. So we all have a purpose. Now, you take that purpose away by the very few who want to own us, enslave us, control us, for their own greed and power.”

The price of preparing a basic lunch is up 13% over the last year. There’s also fresh evidence that inflation accelerated at the end of the summer.

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Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.