Monmouth Poll: Only 31% believe Biden’s priorities are appropriate

Even the Left-leaning pollster’s surveys are suddenly turning red again, Save Jerseyans.

If the latest Monmouth University poll released Thursday is accurate, the President of the United States’s mixed-up priorities in an era of rampant inflation, crime, and general concern regarding the direction of the country are a leading cause behind the trend.

“Perception of President Biden’s performance on bread-and-butter concerns is not helping the Democratic cause,” the polling report explains. “Just 31% say he has been giving enough attention to issues that are most important to American families. The majority (63%) wish he would give these issues more attention. By comparison, a poll taken just after the 2018 midterm elections found that 38% believed then-President Donald Trump was giving these issues enough attention and 56% said he was not. Fewer independents feel Biden is paying attention to their top issues (26%) than said the same about Trump four years ago (37%).”

“Perhaps even more telling, while 72% of Republicans felt Trump was paying attention to their most important issues in 2018, fewer Democrats (58%) say the same about Biden today,” the report continues.

Click here to view the full report.

A full 46% identified inflation as “extremely important” in October as opposed to 37% in September; meanwhile, only 30% said the same of abortion (a central theme of most Democrat House ad campaigns this fall), virtually unchanged from the 31% who said the same last month. Crime (37%), immgration (34%), and jobs (32%) all came in well ahead of “racial inequality” (25%), gun control (24%) and climate change (23%), all of which fell in voters’ priorities lists over the past 30 days.

Republicans improved their standing on the generic congressional ballot as well, hitting 49% and improving their lead over the Dems from 3 to 4 points.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8755 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.