What’s Murphy’s plan for wind turbine lightning strikes?

Offshore wind farms form a major part of Governor Murphy’s quixotic (and hugely expensive) green energy “master plan” to make the Garden State carbon neutral by 2050.

Of course it’s just more junk science aside from presenting Jersey Shore residents, businesses, and tourists with an unwanted eyesore of epic proportions. The science isn’t there to make it an effective alternative energy source relative to the investment. One example: Long Island-New York City Offshore Wind Collaborative cost $1 billion dollar to build, but the cost per home came out to $25,000.

A second coastal wind farm project near Block Island, Rhode Island cost $17,600 dollars per home.

And what about lightning? Seriously… what’s the plan?

Just this week, a wind turbine off of the coast of Ireland turned into a giant sparkler when lightning sent “flaming balls of fiberglass” into the water. So okay, pinwheels ablaze on open water will look moderately cool and festive on the 4th of July, but would you want to stare at this thing on your vacation? Watch:

I’m sure that’s great for the fish!

And here’s another one from ABC News:

Apparently this issue isn’t unusual, and that’s not surprising given that giant metal structures in the middle of the ocean are basically giant lightning rods. You don’t need to be a science major!

A German study attributed 80% of wind turbine insurance claims to lightning damage. There’s a German power company called Energieerzeugungswerke Helgoland GmbH which decided to dismantle its Helgoland Island wind power plant when (this is the kicker) insurance DENIED coverage for lightning damage after $450,000 in lightning damage over just three years.

Back home in the U.S., a commercial wind farm in the Southwest discovered 85% of its downtime was attributable to lightning strikes. Cumulative damage cost in excess of a quarter of a million dollars.

We already know that New Jersey taxpayers will be on the hook for decommissioning these wind turbines. How many will we need to take down due to lightning strikes? And if the compan(ies) can’t get insurance, then who’s going to pay for repairs? I think you know where this is going, Save Jerseyans. You’re smart, unlike the people who think wind power is the future.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.