Mayfield urges probe, threatens possible legal action in aftermath of Mercer’s election meltdown

First the machines went down.

Then ballots went missing.

Voters at approximately 130 polling stations were forced to vote by hand which, in turn, initiated a dramatic delay in the finalization of the returns.

According to The New Jersey Globe, “[t]he Robbinsville ballots were counted today and the Princeton ballots are set to be counted on Friday.” Questions still remain.

The complete meltdown in Mercer County on Election Day 2022 may pass without consequences because there’s little-to-no accountability in the deep blue county which houses the state capital of Trenton, but NJ-12 nominee Darius Mayfield said this week that an investigation is a must, noting that a definitive explanation of what happened is still outstanding.

“Mercer County Republicans and our challengers have been monitoring the count and will challenge and look to legal action where we feel some can be taken,” said Mayfield in a statement released Friday.

There’s an outside chance he could get his wish on the investigation front. Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello told NJ Spotlight News that the Prosecutor’s Office is allegedly undertaking a criminal probe into the “glitch.”

Matt Rooney
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MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.