Could N.J. wind farms endanger the homeland? Yes.

The wind turbines set to be built off of Cape May County’s coastline aren’t just endangering whales and dolphins, Save Jerseyans. It’s well-established that turbines “affect military radars, commercial aviation radars, weather radars, and border surveillance radar.

“Although the base of the tower is stationary, the nominal area of the turbine to the radar is dynamic since the machine is constantly tracking the wind,” explained Wind Systems Magazine back in 2010. “Wind turbines are made of highly reflective materials—steel, fiberglass, and carbon fiber composite—and can scatter and return a significant amount of the energy. The turbine tower is the most reflective component, but since it is constantly stationary the rotor is the largest problem to the radar. In most cases the signature can be quite large and can affect the radars/operator’s ability to differentiate the wind farm from flying aircraft and weather storms. The Doppler effect is due to the moving rotor and can affect the moving target indicator of a radar.”

It’s not just theoretical. Last year, there was a report of wind turbines interfering with Japanese defense radar. Also in 2022, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine issued a report concluding that turbines can inhibit “safe maritime navigation.” Back in 2019, a provision found its way into a defense appropriation bill to study wind turbines in recognition of the fact that “wind turbine structures, particularly when arranged in large arrays, may cause interference to standards and that vibrations generated by the operation of turbines may cause sonic interference to underwater sonar.

Unsurprisingly, far-Left organizations like the NRDC have offered laughably feeble defenses of the wind industry not unlike how the Left also wants you to attribute mass whale deaths along the coast to online shopping. They couldn’t care less about the environment or the security of the American homeland. The advancement of the Left’s agenda is all that matters to them.

As for the rest of us, the only remaining question is how many more arguments AGAINST wind energy off the coast of New Jersey do we need to hear before the voters rise up and say ‘enough’?

Sadly, it might not be until the first ghastly pinwheels appear on the horizon.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8761 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.