Murphy cites Rutgers, dismisses whale death, wind turbine nexus “misinformation.” There are two huge problems with that.

The corrupt High Ed-Trenton coalition is hard at work to justify continued offshore wind development DESPITE a plague of whale and dolphin deaths at the Jersey Shore, Save Jerseyans.

Governor Murphy took to Twitter last Friday to push back against a growing chorus of demands for a moratorium on offshore wind exploration and construction, citing a Rutgers University “Q&A” post to support the proposition that “[a]t this point, there are no data or evidence linking whale mortalities to any one specific factor, including offshore wind development.”

“As disinformation continues to spread, scientific experts led by @rutgers_rucool explain there is no evidence linking whale mortalities to any one specific factor, including offshore wind development,” Murphy tweeted.

Murphy is a known liar who believes the ends justify almost any means, and he also has an extra incentive to lie about this issue since his insane (and unworkable) plan to make New Jersey a zero net emissions state by the end of the 2030s is heavily dependent upon offshore wind technology.

He wants to run for president at some point as America’s “green governor.” He doesn’t care how many whales and dolphins need to be mangled and destroyed in the process…

Unfortunately for Murphy (and RU), we can easily poke holes in this retort:

(1) The feds acknowledged an “increased risk” of marine mammal deaths.

This isn’t a right-wing “conspiracy theory.” In June 2022, the feds admitted that “Ocean Wind 1,” an Ørsted project situated about 15 miles off the coast of Cape May County, could result in marine mammals being injured or killed; the revelations are contained in the government’s enviromental impact statement published by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). I invite you to click here to check out my full article on the subject.

Just last month, Reps. Van Drew (R, NJ-02) And Chris Smith (R, NJ-03) signed onto a bipartian letter which cited a May 2022 correspondence from a NOAA scientist warning of a likely negative impact on marine animals from offshore wind activity off of the coast.

“A NOAA scientist sent out a warning almost a year ago sounding the alarms on the long-term impacts offshore wind could have on the endangered North Atlantic right whale, yet there have been zero changes made to the development process. We need answers – why is this [Biden] administration ignoring warnings from their own scientists? This administration cannot keep hiding behind the justification of combatting climate change when there are already signs of severe impacts to our environment as well as warnings of decades-long impacts to sensitive marine life,” said Rep. Van Drew.

(2) Rutgers is compromised and not credible.

Follow the money.

The government isn’t directly looking into any of this, but back in 2019, Rutgers announced that “Ørsted will make an initial contribution to the university, followed by additional funding contingent upon being granted an OREC application by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU).” The money would “support academic research activities related to offshore wind at Rutgers University.” So the foreign corporation which stands to financially benefit from all of this also seeded the research? Also in 2019, RU signed onto another agreement (with Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind, LLC) “to advance ocean research and monitoring that will support offshore wind development.”

Rutgers is also the receipient of hundreds of millions of dollars in annual state assistance. If you think the state’s largest university chain has any incentive to take on the Murphy Administration, even discounting for their shared ideology? You’re smoking seagrass.

So who do you believe?

The guy who’s lied about everything from nursing home deaths and Covid-19 totals to… well, everything? Including this?

And the university that has “relationships” with the developers?

Or the concerned citizens reasonably demanding a fresh look at the facts before any more harm is done particularly to support a technology (wind) which isn’t even reliable?

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8733 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.