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WASHPO POLL: Americans overwhelmingly reject transgenderism

Keep in mind that this is a Washington Post poll, Save Jerseyans…

Here are some of the highlights from the new Washington Post-KFF poll dropped at the end of last week (but conducted at the end of 2022):

  • 57% believe gender is determined at birth
  • 43% believe gender can change (or be changed) later
  • 68% oppose giving puberty blockers to children ages 10 to 14
  • Over 60% oppose men competing against women in female sports

To the surprise of many, rejection of transgenderism’s core pillars wasn’t confined to older age groups; for example, 53% of those between 18 and 35 don’t think gender is fluid.

Less surprising: WashPo’s coverage of its own polling sample failed to conceal the far-Left publication’s disgust. There’s little question WHY they sat on the results for a few months…

“[A]s the country engages in a national debate over public policy around gender identity, interviews and other poll findings suggest that many Americans hold complicated and sometimes contradictory views on the subject,” wrote WashPo’s Laura Meckler and Scott Clement. “While a majority of Americans oppose access to puberty blockers and hormone treatments for children and teenagers, for instance, clear majorities also support laws prohibiting discrimination against trans people, including in K-12 schools.”

Contradictory that… what? Americans think transgederism is hogwash but simultaneously want to treat confused youngster with compassion? Like the decent people they mostly are?

Of course none of this matters if Republicans don’t demonstrate the courage to fight for our children as it appears a strong majority of Americans want them to do.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.