In run-up to attacks, Smith says Blinken ignored call to revoke aid for Gaza terror org

The horrific scenes in Israel on Saturday didn’t happen in a vacuum, Save Jerseyans, and Congressman Chris Smith (R, NJ-04) was quick to highlight the Biden Administration’s bad decisions in the run-up to Hamas’s acts of war.

“I stand in absolute solidarity with Israel—with the family and friends of innocent people mercilessly slaughtered and with the entire nation under threat. And I call on President Biden to unequivocally condemn not only Hamas but its sponsor Iran—with actions as well as words,” said Smith.

“This means the President needs to make major changes in personnel and policy. Just last month the Administration unfroze $6 billion in Iranian funds, and just last week we learned that the Administration is staffed by agents of an Iranian spy ring. Iran is praising Hamas’s monstrous crime,” the long-time legislator added. “Last week I asked Secretary Blinken to revoke State Department grants to an organization in Gaza that openly supports terror—I have not received any answer.”

Analysts noted that the sophistication of the Hamas incursions appeared well beyond anything the organization was previously believed capable of pulling off which hinted at outside assistance from Iran or elsewhere.

Many other Republicans also echoes Smith’s criticism.

“Iran has helped fund this war against Israel, and Joe Biden’s policies that have gone easy on Iran has helped to fill their coffers,” said Florida’s Ron DeSantis. “Israel is now paying the price for those policies. We’re going to stand with the State of Israel, they need to root out Hamas and we need to stand up to Iran.”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.