What else don’t we know about Bob Menendez and his wife?

I didn’t think it was possible, Save Jerseyans, but the circumstances surrounding Bob Menendez’s gifts-for-services operation keep getting stranger.

We know he’s accused of accepting gold bars, cash, and even a Mercedes in exchange for everything from intervening in criminal investigations to influencing the appointment of a U.S. Attorney.

This week, we discovered that his then-girlfriend (now wife) Nadine Mendendez was involved in a fatal accident in 2018 – the investigation of which appears on its surface to be HIGHLY suspect – which didn’t get any attention from the political or media classes until now.

Girlfriend kills a guy with her car (and allegedly gets a new car from Bob’s patrons – the aforementioned Mercedes) and there’s no coverage for five years. She was never charged, and some are now asking questions about that, but it’s a story either way…

Menendez’s home was raided by federal agents in summer 2022. Not 2023… 2022. And all that time, he was allowed to sit on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as its chairman, playing an influential role in foreign affairs and foreign aid for national including Egypt; as you’ll recall, he’s accused of accepting bribes to assist Egypt’s interests in Washington.

At least one former official says Menendez’s alleged disclosure of sensitive information endangered American lives.

How the hell did NONE of this come to light until now?

The gold bars are the sexy part of this Sopranos-esque Menendez downfall. The fact that all of the important events transpired in complete darkness is as big or arguably the bigger story than the sensational allegations themselves. Joe Biden’s DOJ couldn’t wait to publicize the Mar-a-Lago raid, yet Menendez’s raid (which turned up compelling evidence that he’s not only corrupt but compromised) never leaked. Did anyone inform the Senate Intelligence Committee? And if the New Jersey AG knew of a corrupt ask, why didn’t he or his staff report it? Our friend Mike Testa Jr. wants the legislature to look into it. I won’t hold my breath.

I’ve covered a number of high profile traffic incidents since this website has been in operation. Ian Smith. Amy DeGise. Nelson Albano. And don’t tell me “she was only the girlfriend.” NJ.com did a whole spread on Phil Murphy’s son’s wreck SUV and other eye-popping events. Yet NO ONE said anything?

Why not?

And why now?

You need to ask these questions as we learn more about Bob’s and his lady love’s activities. We can’t count on the establishment.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.