Some observations from my extended vacation

Well, Save Jerseyans, I’m back home after an epic 11-day vacation over the Thanksgiving holiday and following week. A much-needed vacation, I might add!

And I’ve naturally come bearing some travel-related observations:

1. I forgot how fun it is to say ‘Merry Christmas’ to strangers when traveling this time of year. The recipient universally seems to appreciate it, too. Maybe we’re reminded of the Holy Family traveling far from home? Whatever the reason, there’s undeniable magic in the exchange of those words.

2. Hardcore Disney adults are a bit much. Your kid is cute in a princess dress. A 40-year-old cosplaying at a theme park? A bit extra. Probably unresolved childhood shit.

3. Way too many American adults in scooters for no apparent reason other then obesity. Not good.

4. Aruba is right up there with Ireland as one of the planet’s friendliest places, and it isn’t just because the residents are heavily reliant on tourist dollars. Wishing we could bottle the Aruba attitude and export it. ‘One Happy Island’ could be one happy planet.

5. Time with family is irreplaceable. For example, you notice and appreciate things about your own kids and their cousins that you don’t get from ordinary interactions. Treasure those moments.

6. I don’t miss politics when I’m (mostly) unplugged. Let’s face it: not all politicians are bad people, but politics attracts large numbers of narcissists, crooks, and some of the worst people in creation. Our politics might be healthier if more people “in it” spent more time away from it to remember that politics isn’t real life despite the real world-impacts.

7. No matter how wonderful the vacation? It’s always soul-affirming to touch down in the U.S. (even though our AA pilot damn near crash-landed our aircraft due to Saturday’s heavy fog).

8. People annoyed by crying babies on airplanes suck, especially when it’s not a red eye flight and you’re headed to/from a family vacation destination. BTW- this is a distinguishable issue from children who are obviously poorly-behaved because their parents suck.

9. The food I always miss the most? Pizza. You can’t get pizza anywhere in the world like you can in the “Pizza Belt” (the region encompassing the Delaware Valley and the NYC metro).

10. Everything about airport security is silly. Why did it take 4 employees to wand my kid’s stroller? Seems less oriented towards preventing the next 9/11 than it is designed to annoy the fuck out of people who are obviously NOT threats to the homeland. Meanwhile, the Border is an open-air circus. It should make everyone think…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.