The Poll-Driven Presidency of Joe Biden

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Aristotle is attributed with coining the phrase, “Nature abhors a vacuum.”  However, in political circles, Joe Biden has taken it to a whole new level, having repeatedly proven Aristotle’s hypothesis over the past 50 years.  Yes, that’s how long Sleepy Joe has been on the public payroll and yes, that’s how long he has been vacillating between public policy positions.

Ask Joe Biden a question about where he stands on an issue and he will stare at your blankly (or ask Jill) before wetting his finger so he can judge which way the political winds are blowing.  Then, and only then, will you get an answer from arguably the dumbest and most corrupt president in American history.

Back to the vacuum analogy, which is an apt description of what goes on between Joe Biden’s ears.  Because Geritol Joe lacks a strong moral compass and core beliefs, his political positions change with every new poll and every new special interest group that is willing to support him electorally and financially.

Simply put, that giant sucking sound you hear every time Joe Biden opens his mouth is the vacuum created by his complete moral ambivalence.

That is how a man who claims to be a devout and practicing Catholic can openly violate official church doctrine on issues such as abortion, homosexuality, and same-sex marriage.  He opposes social issues when they are unpopular and then embraces them when they become in vogue.

Want an example?

When asked by a gay activist in 1973 where he stood on employment and military regulations that were restrictive towards gay Americans, Joe Biden responded by saying, “My gut reaction is that they (homosexuals) are security risks.”  Sounds kind of homophobic to me.

Need another example?

In 1996, Congress passed – and President Bill Clinton signed into law – the Defense of Marriage Act that not only banned federal recognition of same-sex marriage by limiting the definition of marriage to the union of one man and one woman, but also allowed states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages granted under the laws of other states.  In the Senate, 14 Democrats opposed the bill, but Joe Biden wasn’t one of them.

“Marriage is between a man and a woman,” Biden declared in a 2006 Meet the Press interview.

In fact, Joe Biden steadfastly opposed same-sex marriage as recently as 2008 when he ran for vice president as Barack Obama’s running mate, saying that “[Neither] Barack Obama nor I support redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage.”  Biden then doubled-down on his opposition to same-sex marriage in his vice-presidential debate with Republican Sarah Palin, stating that he was against “redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage.”   When moderator Gwen Ifill tried to pin him down by asking, “Let’s try to avoid nuance, senator.  Do you support gay marriage?”  Biden answered, “No.”

Fast forward four years and polls which once showed only 26% of Americans supporting same-sex marriage began showing 72% in favor of it.  Feeling the political ground shifting dramatically beneath his feet, Spineless Joe made a quick 180-degree pivot on the issue.

“I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men and women marrying another are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties.” – Joe Biden, 2012

By 2017, Joe had jumped on the increasingly popular LGBTQ bandwagon with both feet.

“I felt incredibly proud that day to have played some role in the gay marriage decision.” – Joe Biden, referring to the Supreme Court’s 2016 decision to legalize same-sex marriage

And then, on December 13, 2022, President Joe Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act, which overturned the aforementioned Defense of Marriage Act that he had vigorously supported less than 20 years earlier.  Six months later, Biden hosted the largest-ever Pride Month event at the White House, proclaiming “Happy Pride Month, Happy Pride Year, Happy Pride Life” just minutes before a transgender woman bared her surgically-augmented breasts for the cameras in front of scores of children.

Same-sex marriage isn’t the only issue on which Sleazy Joe has equivocated.  Take abortion, for instance.

As a newly elected senator in 1973, Joe Biden went on record saying that he thought that Roe v. Wade had been wrongly decided.  Then, in 1977, Sen. Joe Biden voted against a bill permitting Medicaid to fund abortions for victims of rape and incest, or when the life of the mother was at risk.  The rape and incest exceptions passed without Biden’s support, but four years later he again voted to have them removed.

Biden also voted several times, including in 1983, to prohibit federal workers from using health insurance for abortions, with the only exception being to save the life of the mother.  Then, in 1986, he told the Catholic Diocese Newspaper that “abortion is wrong from the moment of conception,” adding “I think medical science is moving the frontier back so that by the year 2000 we’re going to have more and more pressure, and rightfully so in my view, of moving back further and further the circumstances under which an abortion can be had.”

As hard as it is to believe, in a 1994 letter to his Delaware constituents, Biden bragged that he had voted against federal funding for abortions “on no fewer than 50 occasions.” His reasoning for casting those anti-abortion votes?  “Those of us who are opposed to abortions should not be compelled to pay for them,” he wrote.

However, by the time he published his book “Promises to Keep” in 2007, Biden had begun describing his beliefs and voting record on abortion as “middle of the road.”  Guess who was checking the poll numbers – and getting ready to soft-peddle his Catholic faith – as he prepared to run for president in 2008?  Yep, Joe the political chameleon.

Today, the same Joe Biden who attends Holy Trinity Catholic Church when he is in Washington and St. Joseph on the Brandywine Catholic Church when he is in Wilmington supports abortion-on-demand even in the third trimester… and beyond.

So, what caused this radical about-face in Joe Biden’s views on such critical social issues?  His handlers will say that as a man of deep faith and intellectual curiosity, Biden’s positions have “evolved.”  But a quick look at the changing demographics of Delaware tells us all we need to know.

According to NBC News, “Delaware had a Republican voting history in the 1980s.  It voted for Ronald Reagan twice, and the state’s governor until 1985, Pete du Pont, and other senator at the time, William Roth, were also Republican.”  As a result, NBC concluded, Biden joined Roth in supporting the Hyde Amendment, which prohibited federal funds being used for abortions, while also opposing the abortion exceptions for rape, incest, or the mother’s life being at-risk.

In other words, Joe Biden has a career politician’s knack for flip-flopping on cue in order to placate voters and win another term in office.  That is why his criticism of Israel’s handling of the war with Hamas has grown at the same rate as the Pro-Palestinian protests across the country.

If Joe Biden was willing – for all intents and purposes – to abandon his Catholic faith to sway suburban white women on the abortion issue, Israel should be prepared for Joe Biden to throw them under the proverbial bus before the Democrat National Convention in July and the general election in November.

More on that subject tomorrow…

Dale Glading
About Dale Glading 129 Articles
Dale Glading is an ordained minister and former N.J. Republican candidate for Congress.