The Smoke & Mirrors of Bidenomics

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Last month, our three adult kids and their spouses went to see one of their favorite comedians, Kevin James.  They had a great time and all six of them said he was hilarious… and clean.  Imagine that: you can be funny without using profanity or resorting to sexual innuendo.

Well, last week, I saw something much more humorous than Kevin James’s stand-up act.  Yes, even funnier than Jerry Seinfeld, Steve “I’m a wild and crazy guy” Martin or (fill in the blank with the name of your favorite funnyman).

Yes, I am talking about the traveling comedy roadshow known as the Joe Biden re-election campaign.  Only, it doesn’t do much traveling and it isn’t intentionally funny.

But how can you not double over in laughter when – with a straight face – President Biden tells his usually sparse audiences how great the economy is doing?  I imagine the people in the front row were waiting for the punch line, but there wasn’t one.  Either our clueless and detached Commander-in-Chief really thinks that the average American is getting ahead due to his failed economic policies, or he is simply reading what his handlers have loaded onto the teleprompter.

Taking the stage with that pathetic and stilted half-jog of his, President Biden recites a litany of economic data that is purposely slanted to make him look good, forgetting that a half-truth is really a whole lie.  And so, he boasts about low unemployment, but neglects to mention that workforce participation is cratering as people give up on ever finding a decent job.  He then regales his dozing audiences with the latest job creation numbers, ignoring the fact that more than half of all new jobs are the result of increased government spending.

And yes, many of those “new” jobs are low-paying ones in the service industry and are being filled by illegal immigrants or people forced to take a second or third job just to make ends meet.  Meanwhile, the average American is living paycheck to paycheck, just one unexpected $600 bill away from insolvency.

That’s right.  Surveys show that 60% of all Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings account and as a result, are maxing out their credit cards – with their 25% interest rates – to stay afloat.  And if you are a young person trying to buy a house and build some equity, you can forget about getting a head start on the American dream.  Better to keep living in your parents’ basement, because housing prices are through the roof and mortgage rates refuse to come down.

And yet, like the snake oil salesman he is, Crazy Uncle Joe keeps trying to convince people that he has their best interests at heart and that Bidenomics is working.  But it’s not… and voters know it.

Sorry, Joe, but people aren’t buying whatever you’re selling.  Hopefully, that means you will be out of business come November 5th.  Then you can tell us just how great the job market really is, especially for an 82-year-old professional grifter who has lived on the public payroll for the past 50 years.

But then again, you can always polish up your slapstick comedy routine, the one where you make up fake stories on the fly.  That one about how you drove an 18-wheeler across the country along with Corn Pop and Uncle Bosie is a real doozy.

Just remember which way to walk off the stage when you’re done.

Dale Glading
About Dale Glading 129 Articles
Dale Glading is an ordained minister and former N.J. Republican candidate for Congress.