U.S. Senate begins process of expelling Bob Menendez

Step #1 to expelling Bob Menendez from the United States Senate following his federal corruption conviction runs through the Senate Ethics Committee, Save Jerseyans. The cooling saucer never moves quickly.

The bipartisan committee nevertheless took that step on Monday and released the following accompanying statement:

Washington, DC—U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics Chairman Christopher A. Coons (D-DE) and Vice Chairman James Lankford (R-OK) today issued the following statement:

“Earlier today, the Committee notified Senator Menendez through his counsel that members voted unanimously to initiate an adjudicatory review of his alleged violations of Senate Rules. The Committee anticipates completing the adjudicatory review promptly.

An adjudicatory review is required when the Committee considers disciplinary actions, such as expulsion or censure. The adjudicatory review will be conducted in accordance with Committee Supplementary Rules of Procedure 4 and 5, and Senator Menendez will be afforded the procedural rights he is due under those provisions. At the completion of the adjudicatory review, the Committee will move expeditiously to submit a written report to the Senate including specific findings and any recommendations for disciplinary action.”

A jury of his peers found Menendez guilty on 16 felony counts, including but not limited to bribery, extortion, and serving as an unregistered foreign agent. It was the long-time legislator’s second lifetime indictment; the first prosecution ended in a hung jury back in 2017.

Senator Menendez is expected to appeal his conviction, but he’s already been replaced by his party by Andy Kim and the Senate expulsion process will play out faster than a federal appeals process ever could. Democrat leaders support the push for removal, and Chuck Schumer has called on Menendez to resign.

Governor Murphy is widely expected to appoint Kim to finish Menendez’s unexpired term despite Republican protests.

What remains unclear is whether Menendez will resign pending appeal (to avoid the additional indignity of being kicked out) or even follow through with his candidacy as an “independent” Democrat his November – he filed the petitions! – and possibly play spoiler for his former team.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8547 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.