SICK: runs hyperbolic letter attacking Trump day after assassination attempt

While the details of Saturday’s assassination attempt on Donald Trump are just beginning to be unpacked, Save Jerseyans, it seems obvious that the Left’s super-charged anti-Trump rhetoric is creating the conditions for violence.

The Media is playing a leading role in making our national political discourse toxic. Dangerously so. Watch MSNBC, CNN or almost any other major network on any given night and you’d be left to assume that Donald Trump is secretly an evil alien planning to kill all the Jedi and declare the formation of a Galactic Empire. The “dictator” narrative is the latest hyperbole of choice, and the White House was leaning into it before Saturday flipped the script.

No lessons have been learned.

On the day after the stunning events at the Butler, Pennsylvania campaign rally that left three including Trump injured and one innocent man dead, Record published a letter to the editor attacking the Republican nominee who just had a hole blown in his ear by a would-be assassin.

I wish I was joking.

The author in the published letter laments how Trump allegedly “has already decided to dismantle the good guys and replace them with anarchists, racists and all-around bad guys. I believe he will destroy all that is good about this country, reduce women’s rights to a level that would inspire Nathaniel Hawthorne to pen a sequel to ‘The Scarlet Letter’ if he were alive, and antagonize our allies to the point of no return.”

”Point of no return.”

Is it much of a stretch to see how this rhetoric could motivate a lunatic to do the unthinkable? Not at all.

Shame on the USA Today network, shame on the Media that’s normalized this crap, and most of all, shame on the incumbent president who’s weaponizing all of our institutions to hold on to power even as he loses his own marbles.

Wish I could say I was surprised by any of this. Sadly I can’t because I, like you, have been paying attention.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.