New N.J. bill could strip your doctor’s license for “disseminating misinformation”

The Left’s efforts to criminalize dissent in all arenas of public life took a creepy turn on Monday when A-1884 passed the Assembly Health Committee.

Simply put: the Democrat-sponsored legislation provides that “[a] health care professional who engages in the dissemination of misinformation or disinformation shall be deemed to have engaged in professional misconduct” and, if this bill ever became law, the medical professional would face “disciplinary action” including the revocation of his or her license.

It’s pretty easy to see how this concept could not only send New Jersey general healthcare costs (and medical malpractice insurance rates) skyrocketing but also have a chilling effect on the medical profession’s need for critical thinking (to the extent it still exists in the post-covid world).

“Lest we forget that the MAINSTREAM ‘CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS’ brought us doctors who once recommended smoking, claimed alcohol was safe/encouraged for pregnant/nursing women for relaxation and pain relief, pushed heroin for your child’s cough, cocaine for toothaches, radium exposure for diabetes, and the spraying of DDT on the body for delousing—all under the influence of medical entities, politicians, and corporations focused on increasing the health of their wallets,” Assemblywoman Dawn Fantasia (R-24) opined on X. “If physicians today dared to speak out against these dangerous practices back then, they would have been disciplined under a law like A1884. This bill would punish doctors for using their professional experience and prohibit them from giving real, critical warnings about widely touted ‘medical standards.'”

There are plenty of other examples.

In the 1800s, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was trashed by his fellow physicians for suggesting a link between a particularly deadly childhood disease and the unsanitary hands of treating professionals. Two centuries later, we’re still finding out the extent to which reliance on masking, vaccination, and emptying out college campuses to combat Covid-19 not only didn’t help but, to a degree, appear likely to have exacerbated the pandemic.

What could land your physician in trouble? Almost anything. “Disseminate” is defined by the proposed law as “the conveyance of information, in the form of treatment or advice, by a health care professional to a patient under the health care professional’s care.” So we’re also going to encourage citizens to snitch on their doctors for being honest?

What happened to government NOT coming between a patient and their doctor?

We can assume that only applies to abortion, at least in New Jersey.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8761 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.