There’s A Reason Why This Movie Is Triumphing

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Yesterday, I went to a nearby theater to see Reagan, the movie.

I honestly didn’t quite know what to expect. Oh, sure I’d heard about the movie and followed its somewhat twisted path to fruition. And I saw photos and clips of Dennis Quaid in the title role. I also read that audiences were giving the movie high marks while critics (no surprise here) were panning it.

But when it comes to movies these days, you’re never really quite sure. And, in fact, all too many current forms of entertainment come up short of expectations.

Not so this time. For more than two hours, I sat transfixed — transfixed by a story I already knew; a story who’s high points, low points and ending I was already familiar with. Why? Because the tale is exceptionally well told via flashbacks and a backstory replete with details and surprising facts I hadn’t known.

In short, this is a sweeping biopic that tells the story of a man whose journey would be enough to encompasses several lives and in fact, spans several careers.

Dennis Quaid nails it as Reagan, recreating his presence, his mannerisms, the cadence of his voice and his resolute self assurance. But we also see the hardships that Reagan suffered and the doubts and defeats he was called upon to overcome. Again, Quaid’s three-dimensional, nuanced performance gives the character depth and substance. Here, you will discover the Ronald Reagan beneath the iconic image.

Beyond that, the entire first-rate cast is effective with standout supporting performances by Jon Voigt and Penelope Ann Miller. Most of the important moments in this man’s rich and consequential life are accurately and dramatically depicted with great care and craftsmanship. These include his childhood, the roots of his Christian faith, the Hollywood years and his time leading the Screen Actors Guild (SAG),  his services as Governor of California and his emergence on the national political scene.  All of these set the stage for his White House years which make up a big chunk of the movie.

If you lived through the Reagan years the film will have a special resonance for you. You will relive moments that you remember — moments that may have deeply influenced you and moments that certainly impacted your daily life during that time. Quite frankly, it was very emotional for me.

If you did not live through the 1980s, you will learn about a great man, the values that motivated him and an extraordinary era that renewed America’s spirit and its sense of purpose. This is a beautiful film to watch. It’s majestic — particularly in its depiction of  California’s vast coastline and the scenes set at the Reagan Ranch in the San Ynez mountains. The ending, by the way, is  poignant and deeply meaningful.

Like it or not, historians now rank Ronald Reagan among our ten most successful presidents. His impact cannot be denied — and that alone demands our attention.

Don’t miss Reagan — and be sure to see it on the big screen to enjoy its true impact!

Dan Cirucci
About Dan Cirucci 409 Articles
Dan Cirucci, the founder and editor-in chief of the Dan Cirucci Blog (, is one of the most widely honored public relations professionals in his field and a public relations consultant to numerous organizations and individuals.