Cross-Posted from DanCirucci.com
With just about one week to go, this is what the election comes down to: Are we gonna wallow in utter lunacy or will America find its way to sustainable sensibility?
Because it will take nothing less than systemic, sustainable sensibility to get us back on track. And only one man — the Ultimate Disrupter — can make that happen. We’ve fallen so far that only a shock to (and a recharge of) the nation’s central nervous system will get us headed in the right direction again.
And, make no mistake about it, the overwhelming majority of Americans feel that right now are headed in the wrong direction. Yes, a recent NBC News poll found that a whopping 65% of Americans (more than two out of every three people) feel we headed in the wrong direction.
If we’re going to make the U turn that the nation so desperately needs, it will have to begin with common sense:
- It’s common sense to want efficient government, prudent spending and low taxes.
- It’s common sense to demand secure borders and enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws in every state, every county and every city everywhere, all across the country.
- It’s common sense to insist that illegal alien rapists, murderers, drug dealers, sex traffickers, gang members etc. be deported as soon as possible.
- It’s common sense for parents to expect to be notified about and involved in decisions affecting the gender of their own children.
- It’s common sense to expect that biological boys and men will not be competing against biological girls and women in sports.
- It’s common sense for parents to insist that sexually explicit material not be distributed to their children in school libraries.
- It’s common sense to demand that election integrity be safeguarded via measures such as voter ID — a system which is followed by nearly all of the world’s major democracies.
- It’s common sense to support the police and law enforcement authorities when they appropriately seek to enforce the law and maintain order.
- It’s common sense to protect our national sovereignty, our goods and services, our manufacturing capacity and our economic well being and fend off all challenges, foreign and domestic.
- It’s common sense to expect our universities to teach students how to think, not what to think.
- It’s common sense to assume that the American Dream would include the ability to work hard, earn a good living, buy a hime, raise a family, follow your faith and pursue your dreams and to do it all unfettered by some needlessly imposed ideology or, worse yet, government enforced group think.
- It’s common sense to strive for an America that seeks peace through strength, without duplicity — an America that reaffirms American exceptionalism as One Nation Under God.
None of these notions are radical or dangerous or destructive. To the contrary, they are simply practical, American sensibilities.