Praying for More Dr. Carsons

Black Doctor Embarrasses Obama at National Prayer Breakfast… and Reminds Us How Conservatives Win Elections!

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

The National Prayer Breakfast went down on Thursday in D.C., Save Jerseyans, and although the President of the United States is always the guest of honor, the real star that morning was a black conservative: Dr. Ben Carson, head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins.

Listen to the whole thing. What else are you doing today… besides shoveling #nemo snow?


Dr. Carson tackled morality, correctness, the national debt, and even tax policy; listen to his explanation:

I don’t like to bring up problems without coming up with solutions… What about our taxation system? It is so complex, there is no one who can possibly comply with every jot and tittle. That doesn’t make any sense.

What we need to do is come up with something that’s simple. The inherently fair principle is proportionality: you make 10 billion dollars, you put in a billion. You make 10 dollars, you put in one. Of course, you have to get rid of the loopholes.

Some people say, ‘That’s not fair! It’s doesn’t hurt the guy who made 10 billion dollars.’ Where does it say you have to hurt that guy? He just put a billion dollars into the pot!”

YES! But hold up for one seconds. It’s extremely important that we all understand what happened on Thursday: is Dr. Carson saying anything revolutionary or novel in this speech, folks? The substance of which is something that most GOP candidates for high office haven’t said in recent memory? 

Nope! He’s simply communicating good ‘ole fashioned conservatism articulately, clearly, confidently, positively, and in terms that everyone at either end of the socio-economic ladder can appreciate. That’s what the Republican base is really pining for when they demand “another Reagan.” Not ideological purity (even Reagan was far from pure). That misunderstanding hurt us in recent cycles. Understanding this distinction is hugely important going forward if we ever want to win again.

So I don’t know too much about Dr. Carson, but if that speech is an accurate window into who he is as a man, I’ll be praying for more of him. Starting right now.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. This man, Dr. Carson, is the most straight forward, clear think man I have seen in a very long time. Obama looked pissed that someone actually had the balls to proffer a plan that made sense!

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