El Rushbo Unloads On Christie

Conservative Talker’s Falling Out with New Jersey’s Governor Continues

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Rush LimbaughBack in 2010 when the Christie Administration was brand new, conservative talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh wondered aloud whether “it was wrong to love another man” because he loved the New Jersey Governor. Now the bloom is completely off the rose, Save Jerseyans. And I doubt that plant will ever flower again.

El Rushbo took Chris Christie to task on Monday afternoon’s program after the Guv appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and strongly defended Barack Obama’s response to Hurricane Sandy:

RUSH: Six months after Hurricane Sandy, thousands of people are still homeless, looters are still raiding homes under repair, there is still chaos, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is saying that President Obama kept every promise he made after Hurricane Sandy. So those of you suffering, it must be your own fault.


RUSH: So six months after Hurricane Sandy thousands of people are still homeless; looters are still raiding homes under repair; people still don’t have electricity; people’s homes still haven’t been rebuilt. And yet the governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, says that Obama kept every promise that he made. Kept every promise. So there’s a lesson here. If you are a public official, governor, for example, and a weather disaster happens where you live, whatever you do, suck up to the nearest bunch of liberals you can find, and the media will love you, and whatever goes wrong will not be blamed on you. Just amazing.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Rush's appeal is that he always goes for the laziest knee-jerk argument, the low hanging fruit, the lowest common denominator in the debate. Life – and politics – is a tad more nuanced than it is in Rush's world.

  2. Not sure what Rush is complaining about. He doesn't ask the Gov. to re-address or elaborate. Doesn't say what the Gov. is doing or what the President is not doing to rebuild NJ. We know that Rush panders to his audience whether or not the perception holds water.

  3. I know the Governor acts on what he believes is right for the citizens of New Jersey. But, the constant embrace of Obama for Conservatives sends a tingle up my leg. I wish he was hugging and praising Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and quoting Reagan on MSNBC. Still admire and love him though.

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