Buono’s Tone Deaf TV Ad

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Barbara Buono is (finally) on television, Save Jerseyans, because candidates never want to go on TV until they can afford to stay there. Not being able to do it until two weeks out is a bad sign.

Unfortunately for Babs, her first salvo is a first-rate dud:


Frankly, I can’t decide whether the ad or the knock-off Bon Jovi leather jacket is more unfortunate. Flip a coin.

You’re preaching to the choir and wasting your time, Senator, by harping on the “Christie’s running for president” theme. And most critically of all, no one else listening cares one darn bit: a Monmouth University/Asbury Park Press poll from September found that only 38% of New Jerseyans believed the incumbent is “more concerned with his own political future” than governing the Garden State.

What’s next? An advertisement mocking Christie weight?

Oh wait! Her buddy Jon Corslime already tried that before… and she’s already done it on the stump. Hmm. Back to the ‘ole drawing board.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Background all wrong, looks like a Pat Benatar cover band video that was shot in front of a prison.

  2. Talk about cheap. No edits. One shot. And they didn't even prevent the fat kid from walking through the shot behind her. Awful.

  3. I think it is funny personally. She tries to fight against Christie and does a really bad job each time. Wow and this is the best democrat candidate. Not good.

  4. Pretentious & disingenuous trying to come off as just another working individual by dressing casual with jeans & a dark leather jacket. Not very flattering to say the least!

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