Halloween Is Now WAY Out Of Control

By Dan Cirucci | Dan Cirucci’s Blogspot

Halloween CostumesPretty soon those pop-up Halloween costume stores will close and we couldn’t be happier.

We’ll also be glad that we won’t have to witness the sight of idiotic grownups dressed for Halloween in ridiculous costumes. Grownups have helped to ruin Halloween.

Did you dress in costume as a child and trick or treat? Fine! That’s enough. Okay?

Halloween was never, ever meant to be a schlock fest.

There is so much Halloween ‘junk’ for sale in the stores and so much Halloween stuff adorning homes that’s the trend is truly scary. When Halloween begins to rival Christmas as a holiday you know we’ve got a problem. And it is rivaling Christmas.

As we wrote not very long ago in The Philadelphia Daily News

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Dan Cirucci
About Dan Cirucci 390 Articles
Dan Cirucci, the founder and editor-in chief of the Dan Cirucci Blog (http://dancirucci.blogspot.com/), is one of the most widely honored public relations professionals in his field and a public relations consultant to numerous organizations and individuals.

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