AP: Renna Quietly Resigned Friday

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

The New Jersey State HouseThis little news item passed quietly on Friday amid the Wildstein attorney letter uproar, Save Jerseyans. Christina Genovese Renna is the latest Christie staffer to leave his Administration according to the AP:

“Renna reported to Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Kelly, who apparently set the lane closings in motion with an email to Wildstein.

Renna confirmed her resignation to The Associated Press through a statement Sunday from her lawyer, Henry Klingeman. In it, Renna says she has been considering leaving since after the November election, which Christie won decisively.”

Renna is one of several Christie staffers under subpoena. There’s not clear indication, however, that her departure is directly connected to Bridgegate. Read into it what you will, folks…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.