Eck: Holt Retirement is “Real Opportunity”

Dr. Alieta Eck

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Dr. Alieta Eck
Dr. Alieta Eck

The presumptive GOP candidate in NJ-12, Dr. Alieta Eck, issued the following statement on Tuesday afternoon after Rush Holt’s surprise retirement announcement:

“I was looking forward to debating the critical issues facing America and New Jersey with Congressman Holt. Particularly the looming healthcare crisis with the ramp up of the ill advised Obamacare act. But my campaign was and will not be about my opponent. It is about solid, common sense ideas to get our economy back on track, creating good careers for upcoming generations, safeguarding the retirement funds of those who worked so hard for them, and making government less expensive and intrusive.”

“All across our district people told me they were looking for a positive change in Washington. It appears that in New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District they now have a real opportunity to get the change they’re looking for.”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. NJ GOP problem is no depth in the roster for these unforeseen opportunities…but good luck to her.

  2. Fred, how can you say she has no depth. Have you met or heard her? What type of Republican do you see with depth, the kind with money to run? Someone who’s played the political game for years and has friends in Washington? Perhaps someone with no independent thoughts and is put in place to march to the beat of the RINO call?

  3. .

    @Cathy Giancola: By, ‘depth in the roster,” I don’t believe Fred meant that Eck has no depth, but that the GOP’s roster of quality candidates like Eck and others, could be greater… i.e. – we need more Conservative candidates available to run…

  4. Dr Eck is, and will continue to be an excellent candidate. I met, and was very impressed by her early in the senatorial primary, and I’m very glad she did’nt give up.

  5. Thanks Pete, but it sounded like he was referring to Eck as an example of that lack of depth, I understand now.

    @Deborah, have you ever heard of Republican In Name Only? If you don’t believe in your parties philosophy perhaps you shouldn’t call yourself a Republican. Saying “I’m a Republican” but believe in a progressive/socialist direction just sounds like you’re a bit confused.

    Sending Shirley Turner to Washington would only add fuel to the fire. Her record in Trenton shows she follows the progressive ideals of tax and spend without figuring out a way to fund the spending except on the backs of the middle class.

  6. We’ll see how much support (financial and otherwise), she gets from the NJGOP. She was endorsed by the Tea Party when she ran against Lonegan. She’s such a wonderful candidate, but Christie and the rest of his sycophants will make sure she is punished for being supported by the Tea Party.

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